Intermediate Video Fall 06 Thread
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Intermediate Video
Fall 2006
Instructor: Damian Catera
M-11:30-2:30, W-11:30-12:50
Rooms 326, 331
In this course we’ll expand on what was learned in Video 1, with an emphasis on taking the next step in the evolution of your work in video, particularly with regard to increasing the quality of your creative projects and ideas.
As far as technology goes we will work with three chip digital camcorders, audio field recorders and the usual assortment of production gear. Software-wise, I will bring you up to speed on Apple’s Compressor, particularly for surround sound encoding, Adobe’s AfterFX for compositing and image processing plus ProTools for audio editing and post production.
We will screen a variety of works, which will hopefully encourage you to engage art , media and society in a more critical fashion. To facilitate this, we have created a new blog where you will post comments about things viewed in class. This is a course requirement, which should be taken seriously. There will also be required readings and tests on those readings.
Please make sure to regularly view and post to you may register for this at .
1) I have to be here…so do you!! On time. Three unexcused absences or chronic lateness loses you a letter grade. I won’t warn you…but I will keep track.
2) Please do all work that is assigned ON TIME, which means it will be handed in at the beginning of class on the due date. There will be no partial credit for late work. This is how the real world works.
3) FEES: A $75 refundable equipment deposit ( you probably have this on file) and and a $50 material fee.
4) You must provide your own firewire hard drive to work in the lab.
5) Chronic lateness with equipment will result in a reduction of your grade.
And of course….the assignments:
#1) Exquisite Corpse Camera Project (due M 9/18) 10%
#2) Surround Sound & Image Project (due W 10/4 ) 10%
#3) AfterFX Project (due M 10/25 ) 10%
#4) Reading Assignments /Tests / Postings/ Class Participation
(test dates: M 10/30, M 11/27 ) 30%
#5 Final Project (due . M 12/11, W 12/13 PROPOSAL DUE ON W 10/25 )
FINAL PROJECT MANDATORY CRITS ON M 11/6, M 11/20, M 12/4 --40%
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